Community Guidelines
Our platform allows people to discover, use, create and/or share bots. To help ensure a safe, trustworthy, and vibrant experience, we maintain a set of Community Guidelines that include rules and standards for using our platform.
We use a combination of technology and people to identify, review, and take action on content that violates our policies. If we identify violations of our policies, we might prevent the creation of bots, restrict or remove content, and/or limit the ability to use bots. In cases of severe or repeated violations of our guidelines we might also temporarily or permanently ban your account.
Thank you for embracing these principles, and contributing to the integrity of our platform.
1. Youth safety and well-being
Youth safety is our priority. You must be 18 years and older to have an account. We strictly prohibit any content that depicts, encourages, facilitates, or promotes any form of youth exploitation and abuse, including child sexual abuse material (CSAM), nudity, grooming, sextortion, solicitation, pedophilia, or physical and psychological abuse of young people. We report child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and supporting evidence to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) and/or to any other relevant legal authorities.
2. Safety and civility
Our platform should be used to uphold principles of respect, empathy, equality, and mutual understanding. We do not allow generating content that incites or promotes hateful behavior, violence, and human exploitation. This includes:
- Promoting or glorifying hateful groups, figures or ideologies, including by attacking, threatening or inciting violence against people on the basis of protected attributes, such as race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, serious disease, disability or immigration status
- Promoting violence, including terrorist organizations, organized hate groups, criminal organizations, and other non-state armed groups that target civilians
- Facilitating methods to harass or bully others, such as threats or degrading statements intended to mock, humiliate, embarrass, intimidate, or hurt an individual
- Facilitating sexual exploitation or gender-based violence, including non-consensual sexual acts, image-based sexual abuse, sextortion, physical abuse, and sexual harassment
- Facilitating or promoting human exploitation, including trafficking and smuggling
3. Mental and behavioral health
We are committed to creating an online environment that emphasizes inclusion, enrichment, and connection. We do not allow generating content that could negatively impact people's physical or psychological health, including:
- Promoting or providing instructions on suicide and self-harm and related challenges, dares, games, hoaxes
- Facilitating disordered eating and other dangerous weight loss behaviors
- Facilitating or providing instructions on activities that could carry a risk of significant injury. This includes dares, games, tricks, inappropriate use of dangerous tools, eating substances that are harmful to one's health, or similar activities that may lead to significant physical harm
4. Sensitive and mature themes
Our platform is suitable for a wide range of audiences (over the age of 18), including those seeking helpful and respectful interactions. To set appropriate boundaries, we do not allow generating explicit content, including:
- Description or promotion of sexual activity or services. This includes content created for the purposes of pornography or sexual gratification (i.e. sexual chatbots, vivid descriptions of sexual acts), and methods to seek sexual services. Exception: reproductive health and sex education content, such as the use of birth control and abortion discussed in a medical way
- Description, promotion or facilitation of gory, disturbing, or extremely violent content and behavior (e.g. real-world torture, graphic violence, animal abuse)
5. Integrity and authenticity
To uphold information integrity, our terms of service prohibit using bots for political services, including political campaigning, advocacy or lobbying. We also do not allow generating inaccurate, or false content that may cause harm to individuals or society, including:
- Misinformation about civic and electoral processes
- Misleading claims in sensitive areas (e.g. health, finance, or legal)
- Generating conspiratorial content such as content that attacks a specific person or a protected group or denies that a violent or tragic event occurred
- Generating content that violates the confidentiality of personal information (e.g., social security information, phone numbers, physical addresses)
- Generating or facilitating the creation of synthetic media that depict the likeness of any real private figure, without prominent disclosure
- Generating or facilitating fake online engagement, including fake reviews, and other artificial engagement methods
- Account behaviors that may spam or mislead our community, including attempts to conduct covert influence operations
- Plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty.
6. Regulated goods and commercial activities
We do not allow generating content that promotes goods or activities that may be risky, addictive, dangerous, fraudulent, or that otherwise require a higher degree of care:
- Promoting or facilitating gambling
- Facilitating the trade and/or manufacture of firearms or explosive weapons, or promoting them if they are not used in a safe or appropriate setting
- Facilitating or providing instruction on the production, consumption or trade of tobacco and alcohol products
- Facilitating the trade of regulated, prohibited, or high-risk goods and services, such as alcohol, tobacco products, regulated substances, sexual services, animals, or counterfeit goods. This includes instructions on how to manufacture regulated substances.
- Facilitating or instruction on engaging in frauds and scams
7. Prohibited use cases
Our models are not built to provide specialist advice. We do not allow generating content that facilitates provision of services or business practices that require qualified, licensed, professional expertise, including:
- Offering personalized legal advice
- Offering personalized physical/mental health guidance, such as medical diagnosis or treatment advice
- Offering personalized financial advice